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moth eaten rug being repaired

sep-iconCan a moth eaten rug be repaired?

Yes! Most rugs are constructed from a cotton foundation. Then, wool is strung around this foundation. Moths like to feed on the parts of the rug that are made of wool. This leaves the cotton foundation intact. You can always identify moth damage like this. Unfortunately, the process of repairing such accidents is much too complex to DIY. Rug moth damage repair requires an expert with years of experience. Luckily, the process is much cheaper than repairing an entire hole because the foundation doesn’t have to be rewoven from scratch on a loom.

moth damage repair rug


Although they seem harmless, these tiny critters have expensive taste. To prevent moth damage you must regularly vacuum your rugs. If your rug is fragile or antique, gentle sweeping will do. Be sure to pay attention to parts of the rugs that are underneath furniture. This is the most common place that rug moths can feast unnoticed. Moths love to do their dirty work in dark and secluded places. The larvae that feed on the rugs resemble little rice flakes. If you want to get rid of moths in your wool rug, a professional cleaning is the best way to do it. Because of the deep bathing process, you can rest assured that the moths are removed from the rug. If you notice moth damage in your house then you need to thoroughly evaluate and clean all the objects made of wool in your house. Otherwise the infestation will return. Please read our how to article on rugs and moths here.

moth damage wool rug


Your expert will begin by sourcing fabric that closely resembles the original rug. Our resourceful experts go through great lengths to ensure quality, often importing fabric from various areas around the world such as India & Argentina to get the job done right. Rug moth damage repair is no easy task. With careful attention, an experienced technician must reweave the damaged areas back by hand, thread by thread, like pixels on a computer screen, so that the original owners themselves would never notice. As if it never happened at all. Someone who repairs moth damage on a rug must have decades of experience in these sorts of jobs to execute this properly.


For consumers, the hardest part of the process is finding a reputable repair team. Each of the members of our repair team have at least 20 years of experience in tackling the toughest jobs. Rest assured that through Babash Rug Services you are connecting your rug to a network of the most talented repair specialists in Los Angeles. We take the quality of our work very seriously here. Call us at (818) 963-9153 and speak with a repair specialist about your rug today!

oriental rug moth damage repair


Vacuuming will not eliminate sticky moth larvae from your rug. Professionally cleaning your rug instantly kills the moths inside including remaining eggs and larvae. How long can moth eggs lay dormant? Moth eggs typically hatch in 1-2 weeks. The larvae that use the wool as a food source may lay dormant in the rug  for up to 30 months. If your budget absolutely does not allow for a professional rug cleaning procedure, you can lay your rugs out in the sun, rotating front and back, over the course of a few days to see if this helps. Keep in mind that rugs with long piles will still have “dark spots” that the larvae and egg may be safe inside of. We recommend thoroughly brushing the rug periodically to assure that different areas of the rug get exposure and brushing and exposing the rug to the sun again in 4-10 days for any eggs that may have hatched. While your rug is being cleaned it is important to clean your house and make sure moth damage doesn’t happen again from infestation. Begin with your closet, thoroughly removing all clothing and articles and giving the whole place a deep clean with vacuuming. Sticky moth traps help. We haven’t found any moth sprays that are particularly effective. In general, we don’t recommend spraying pesticides in your own house. Pesticides have been linked to cancer, ADHD, Alzheimer’s disease and birth defects. Be very careful about using these products. For rugs being put in storage, ask for our moth repellant wash during your next cleaning. Does baking soda kill carpet moths? While it may help, like white vinegar, another commonly used solution, it will change the pH of your rug’s fibers, which may spell trouble for future spills and cleaning. Clothes moths, the ones that feed on your rug, are attracted to dark neglected areas. What is the best moth repellent? Lavender oil, dried flowers and cedar blocks are non-toxic, natural moth deterrents. Read more about what causes moth infestations and how you can prevent them.